Experimental at heart, eventful by essence, ILANIO's projects range from the purely conceptual to the practical and wearable. Think of the art side of what we do as the R&D department for the collectibles that we sell.


ir ILANIO is the brainchild of experimental artist Ilan Reuben, and a reflection of their ongoing creative quest. Their work examines how clothing both signifies and controls our relationship with our bodies, and the psychological, sexual, social, and spiritual implications of that connection. ILANIO is their effort to create a community around this work. To bring it to more people, on a deeper level. To infuse artistic expressiveness in everyday life.
ed Edward W. Dahl is an artist, musician, designer, and educator. He is the owner of After Science, a visual design and production company. Edward has been a design instructor at San Francisco's Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (FIDM) since 1998. His groundbreaking electronic music / performance art project SpacEKrafT has performed throughout the SF Bay Area including the De Young Museum and YBCA, and is featured on the soundtrack for the acclaimed documentary "Jodorowsky's Dune".
lz Laura Zey graduated from the Academy of Fashion and Design in Düsseldorf, Germany. With her bachelor collection "ARIA - EAGER TO AVAIL" she was selected as best graduate 2015. Her work combines the aesthetic of minimalism with extraordinary and innovative materials. She is founder and owner of the avant-garde menswear and leather goods brand SECOND.SKIN.STUDIO. (
de Dana El Masri is a perfumer trained at the Grasse Institute of Perfumery and the owner and creator of Jazmin Saraï, a perfume brand exploring scent, sound, and culture. She is also an interdisciplinary artist with experience in several cross-modal practices and private label collaborations. Dana has been an Art & Olfaction Awards judge for several years and is a published fragrance writer, winner of a Jasmine Literary Award (UK) and a Perfumed Plume (US).
gw Gavin Wilson is an artist residing in NYC. He has co-owned/co-published a magazine, created cover art for DC/Vertigo comics, been a freelance photo illustrator, composed music for films and exhibited in galleries nationally and abroad. His current work combines drawing, photography and object-making to present an intimate personal view that embraces a unique cosmology of the nature of "Self" and the mappings of spirit and matter. See more at @takepicture
tp Thuy Pham is a designer / entrepreneur residing in NYC. He was the co-founder and creative director of NY fashion brand United Bamboo, and is currently working on a smart clothes startup.


Accolades. Laurels. Honorable Mentions.
Chatter. Gossip. Word on the street.
An overview:


Like many of us, we here at ILANIO are aware of the slow-motion climate disaster that is now unfolding across the globe. We are saddened at the suffering we as a species are causing to all the living beings of this planet. We are scared that it is already too late to avoid the catastrophe that looms before us. We are appalled at the reckless damage we are continuing to do to our one and only home, the one that we will leave for the next generation and all those to come.


To mitigate our impact on the environment, we have done an accounting of the carbon footprint of not only the pieces we are selling, but also our art-making activity. We used the methodology laid out in the World Resource Institute's document, "GHG Protocol: Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions" to come up with a life-cycle analysis of our production and operations, including raw material extraction & sourcing; fabrication; upstream transportation; all of our own direct (Scope 1 & 2) emissions; downstream shipping; and end-of-life treatment.

For all years up to and including 2020, we calculate a total carbon footprint of 7.6 metric tons. We have therefore purchased carbon credits through the following programs listed on

  • The Myanmar Stoves Campaign (3 tons; Improving the lives of 140,000 people - saving much needed time + money, improving health and decreasing deforestation.)
  • 20 MW Solar Project in Rajasthan, India (3 tons; Solar farm project focusing on sustainable development & employment for the local community)
  • Safe Water Access in Rwanda (2 tons; Repairing boreholes for rural communities to reduce need for burning wood to purify water.)

To be sure, these actions are small compared to the nearly incomprehensible magnitude of the problem we are facing. But combined with the many other small actions of others around the globe who are aware of our predicament, we can make a difference.


Our world is swimming in plastics. Our addiction to single-use plastic products is burying us not just in water bottles and food packaging but also in invisible microplastics that have made their way into all levels of our lives and ecosystems.

The designs we are making are in a very different category from these single-use plastics, which are often not disposed of properly and then degrade slowly in the environment. Our limited-edition designs are made to last, to be collected and cherished. Although we are not able to source our plastics from plant sources yet due to our small production sizes, we are actively looking for ways to reach that goal. We also strive to avoid single-use plastics in our packaging, opting for recyclable paper-based materials wherever possible.


We have also thought about the ethics of making ANYTHING in a world that, by some measures, already has too much stuff. Some might say that art is the last thing we should be expending resources on -- where is the utility in creative expression against the backdrop of an existential challenge like this climate disaster? It all boils down to how you feel about art. And if, like us, you feel art is an essential part of the human experience, revealing the mystical truths that allow us to transcend our limited scope, then you might also agree that we are engaging in a worthy endeavor, not in spite of but in accordance with our ethics and best intentions for the planet and all living beings.